Incident Duplication

Incident duplication can occur when several incidents are created, from different sources on the same event. These multiple incidents can typically be identified by a similar incident location and timeframe.

To optimize management of the incident and minimize the risk of losing critical incident information provided on the incident forms, the system assists the dispatch operator in identifying duplicate incidents, and provides a tool to manage these duplications in all of the following ways:

Option 1: The dispatcher can chose to merge the duplicate incidents into a single MAIN incident.

Option 2: The dispatcher can delete the unneeded repetition incidents.

Option 3: The dispatcher can elect to leave the incidents as is (i.e. on the system as individual incidents).

Administrator can set the configurations of proximity of time and distance for the system to alert on suspected incidents. For more information see Managing Duplications in the Organization Configurations below.

When a dispatch operator creates, views or edits an incident that is in close proximity (location and time) or has the same caller information (name/telephone number) to an incident already in the system, a Duplication icon appears in the ribbon of the Incident manager. Clicking the icon opens the Potential Duplicate Incidents pane.

In this pane, the dispatcher can manage the duplicates by either ignoring, deleting or merging the incidents.

To merge incident duplications

  1. In the Incident pop up, click on the Duplication icon.

    The Potential Duplicates Incidents pane opens.

  2. In the Potential Duplicates Incidents pane select the Main checkbox on the incident that you want to merge the duplicate incidents into.

  3. The Potential Duplicate Incidents pane displays the number of responders and forms in each incident as well as all the other incident information. This information should be taken into account when selecting which incident to set at the Main incident.

    The Main incident is highlighted when selected.

  4. Next, identify which incidents you want to merge into the Main incident, and click the Merge checkbox on that incident/s.
  5. Click Submit.

    The incident is merged to the main incident and the following occurs: 

    • All forms, contacts and videos belonging to the merged incidents will be copied to the Main incident.

    • A log entry will be added to the Main and Merged incidents.

    • The merged incidents will be canceled.

    • All responders assigned to the merged incidents will be aborted and a notification sent to them.

    • If the dispatch operator wants to transfer the cancelled responders onto the main incident, this must be done manually in the Dispatch tab.

To cancel a duplicate incident

  1. In the Incident pop up, click on the Duplication icon.

    The Potential Duplicates Incidents pane opens.

  2. Identify which incident/s you want to cancel and click the Cancel checkbox on that incident/s.
  3. Click Submit.

    The incident/s is canceled and the following occurs: 

    • Selecting an incident to Cancel, will cancel that incident and remove the information from the incident panel.

    • All responders assigned to the cancelled incident will be aborted and a notification sent to them.

Managing Duplications in the Organization Configurations

An administrator can setup the distance and time parameters for incident duplication under Settings>Organization>Configurations:

  • Incident period (time): Only incidents that were open X minutes apart will be considered as duplicates, the default value is 15 minutes.

  • Incident radius (distance): Only incidents that are within a radius of X meters will be considered duplicates, the default value is 2,000 meters.