Mobile Requirements

The NowForce mobile application requirements are as follows.

Supported Platform Versions

  • Android OS - Versions 11 and above (must support Google APIs).
  • iOS - Versions 14 and above.

Additional Recommended Minimum Device Requirements

Component Specification
Minimum resolution 320x480
Screen size 5.5 inch and above
Memory (RAM)
  • Android devices - 6GB
  • iOS devices - 4GB

It is recommended that if the user may be using other phone applications or features that demand substantial internal memory usage to increase to 8GB RAM.

Data/Connectivity 3G or higher (SIM card with sufficient data plan)
Camera (Recommended) Enabled for pictures and video streaming
Navigation app (Recommended) Enable to use turn-by-turn navigation. Supported apps include Waze, Google Maps, and Apple Navigation.

Read Next: Mobile Bandwidth Consumption